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Search homes you can rent to own!
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Rent to Own In the News:
"One of the unique aspects of a lease option is the potential offer for putting no money down upon signing the lease. There are creative ways that can be explored when a person is short on finances, but wants the ability to make payments toward future home ownership."
-- Times Union newspaper, Albany NY
"The lease-purchase offers homeownership opportunities to consumers who can't qualify for a loan from any source. Lease-purchase plans can be structured in such a way that both parties benefit."
-- J Guttentag, Mortgage Professor
"Lease-to-own ... (is) simply a response to the local housing market and credit crisis many Americans are facing."
-- BanningBeaumont Patch, Beaumont CA
Get Access to Rent To Own Deals Instantly!
- Own your home instead of renting
- Make payments toward ownership, not just rent
- Get access to the deals before someone else does!
- Ideal if you are having trouble getting a loan and you are willing to maintain a home in good condition